
The Xtra Love she brought......

The Xtra Love she brought......

As a parent of a child with "special needs" (that I prefer to refer to as intellectual and/or physical diversities), one of the big giant worries ...

There is symbolism everywhere here

There is symbolism everywhere here

When I first saw that my friend Grace (read about her here) described the extra chromosome that our children have as extra love, I just loved it s...

When you life is a big gift

When you life is a big gift

  Just over a month, ago when I was volunteering at the Down syndrome clinic, while we were between patients and their families, we were talking a...

Signing Love

Signing Love

My daughter, who has Down syndrome, learned to tell us she loved us with signing I LOVE YOU. It's been some time now since she said it that way. S...

Honoring Grace in an honor

Honoring Grace in an honor

When Grace was very sick, I would hand paint cards to send to her. It was my plan to send one every day. Then I began to worry about overwhelming ...

Thank you Lake Highlands Advocate

We appreciate the shout out from our local neighborhood magazine!

Worlds Apart with Xtra Love

Glad to see Xtra Love is on Trend for 2017!

Behind the Design of Xtra Love

  When I was initially dreaming about the concept of Xtra Love, I knew just who I wanted to ask to help me with the design. It just so happens tha...

Giving Xtra Credit where Xtra Credit is do!

There are so many that have helped me reach the milestone of a Kickstarter launch.  Zehra Vollmer- Jewelry Designer Xtra-ordinaire (and my daughter...

It's World Down Syndrome Day and We are celebrating!!!!!!

It's World Down Syndrome Day and We are celebrating!!!!!!

How, you might ask? Today is the OFFICIAL launch of our dream project! Today, we are Kickstarting Xtra Love.  To follow or even back this project,...

Real. Good. News.

On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 (World Down Syndrome day) the project  Xtra Love will kickstart! Learn about crowdfunding here: Kickstarter Here is the...

Real. Good. News.

On Tuesday, March 21, 2017 (World Down Syndrome day) the project  Xtra Love will kickstart! Learn about crowdfunding here: Kickstarter Here is the...