Rare diagnoses tribute
Rare is today’s prompt for the #maythecreativeforcebewithyou art challenge.
These days when I think of “rare” I think of my friend who created a...
Paintress III featured in Lake Highlands Advocate-- I am ENCOURAGED
We are so grateful to the Advocate for featuring a story about our art!
Dr Phil or some other personality said ”you get what you gi...
The Xtra Love she brings and inspires-An xtra love story
A good friend of mine got this note from her daughters teacher recently. This is the xtra love our mutual friend Grace Snuggs talked about.
My swe...
Xtra Love in the works.......
Saturday was a great day! This young man came to help me assemble the necklace packaging and the t-shirt packaging.
We found that some shirts wi...
Xtra Love for #theluckyfew
A couple of months ago, I started noticing a hash tag that really resonated with me: #theluckyfew. It resonated so much so, that when a new member ...
The Xtra Love she brought......
As a parent of a child with "special needs" (that I prefer to refer to as intellectual and/or physical diversities), one of the big giant worries ...
There is symbolism everywhere here
When I first saw that my friend Grace (read about her here) described the extra chromosome that our children have as extra love, I just loved it s...
When you life is a big gift
Just over a month, ago when I was volunteering at the Down syndrome clinic, while we were between patients and their families, we were talking a...
Signing Love
My daughter, who has Down syndrome, learned to tell us she loved us with signing I LOVE YOU. It's been some time now since she said it that way. S...
It's World Down Syndrome Day and We are celebrating!!!!!!
How, you might ask?
Today is the OFFICIAL launch of our dream project! Today, we are Kickstarting Xtra Love.
To follow or even back this project,...