Xtra Love for #theluckyfew

A couple of months ago, I started noticing a hash tag that really resonated with me: #theluckyfew. It resonated so much so, that when a new member of various Facebook groups would announce a new baby with Down syndrome or announce a prenatal diagnosis, I would comment: "Welcome to #theluckyfew".  

The hash tag as it turns out was coined by Heather Avis who also recently wrote a book with the title: The Lucky FewI as just discovering her Heather's @macymakesmyday on Instagram and there were mentions starting to emerge of this book about a family who adopts kids that have Down syndrome. 

My book list is extensive, I was trying to think how I could fit it in... and then I got an email from my daughters principle addressed to me, my husband and another parent of a child that has DS that is a friend of mine.

 It read:

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