Rare diagnoses tribute

Rare is today’s prompt for the #maythecreativeforcebewithyou art challenge.
These days when I think of “rare” I think of my friend who created a space for parents of kids with rare diagnosis to come together, share and assist one another.
This sweet gal here has Rhett Syndrome and she is such a light.
The boy in the picture is clearly evolved and understands how we should all behave in the presence of our rare teachers.
When I saw this photo for the first time it took my breath away.
I’ve wanted to paint it for quite a while.
Once again I enjoyed working it out on a small paper. It would be so cool to do this big as well
I’m am grateful to be connected on this journey with other parents of kids with disabilities. The lens in which I see life through it is like nothing I’ve ever known before. It’s astonishingly “brutiful” as Glennon Ddoyle says.

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