“Vintage” is today’s prompt for the May Art Challenge. I love so many things that are vintage: clothes, cars, furniture, wine vintages
etc. it was fun to remember I had a little box of my paternal grandmothers beauty accessories. Along with this mini perfume bottle and box was some bright red revlon lipstick that I might also have to paint.
I set her Miss Dior perfume on a vintage scarf of hers.
It’s fun to paint on these little postcards. It helps me work out if I want to paint this big.
I want to paint this one big, get a lot of money for it, and see it over a cool black sofa.
How’s that for dreaming out loud?
Do some art, y’all.
If you want to join the challenge, my post is on my page.
#christiandior #missdior #vintage #perfume #houndstooth #watercolor #ink #poscapen #coloredpencil #vintagescarf #maythecreativeforcebewithyou

I set her Miss Dior perfume on a vintage scarf of hers.
It’s fun to paint on these little postcards. It helps me work out if I want to paint this big.
I want to paint this one big, get a lot of money for it, and see it over a cool black sofa.
How’s that for dreaming out loud?
Do some art, y’all.
If you want to join the challenge, my post is on my page.
#christiandior #missdior #vintage #perfume #houndstooth #watercolor #ink #poscapen #coloredpencil #vintagescarf #maythecreativeforcebewithyou
Then he said: